Travel Tips
Aspects Of Flying During The Pandemic That I Hope Will Stick Around

Aspects Of Flying During The Pandemic That I Hope Will Stick Around

I took my first flight since the coronavirus pandemic began in March 2021 — about one year after the pandemic hit the United States. The entire experience was very unusual compared to all my previous flight experiences. And, although there are several aspects of the flight experience that I would like to return to normal, I would not mind if some aspects would stick around.

Sanitizing Wipes

For instance, I really enjoyed having sanitizing wipes readily available. Before the pandemic, there were some airlines that would offer sanitizing wipes or hot towels to rinse your hands. But, since the pandemic, receiving a sanitizing wipe or two as soon as you board has become the norm for most airlines. And I think this offering of a sanitizing wipe should stick around, because these wipes are so versatile. They can be used to sanitize airline seats, airline trays, hands, and other surfaces. Having them available on flights is just so handy.

Snack Bags

When I was on my March 2021 flight, I was handed a snack bag with a small bottle of water, a package of Delta-branded Biscoff cookies, a napkin, and a small bag of almonds. I did not like the limited drink and snack collection, but I did like having a bag to keep my food and drink in and the minimized interaction. 

It would be great if passengers could choose their drink and snack selection when they book their flight and have a personalized snack bag delivered to their seat.

Empty Middle Seats

This one is definitely a bit of wishful thinking, but it would be wonderful if airlines would keep blocking off middle seats. On my flight, there was no one else in my row. In fact, I was in seat 12D and there was no one in any of the five rows behind me. In the entire aircraft, there were no more than two people seated in each row and this was only the case if the passengers were from the same party.

And, as a bonus from this emptiness, I had no problem finding overhead compartment space that was actually near my seat. But, several airlines have already resumed booking middle seats since May of 2021.

Regular Sanitation of Bins at Security Checkpoints

Security checkpoints have always been the disgusting part of travel to me. Hundreds to thousands of people go through security each day, putting anything from shoes to laptops in the security bins to go through scanning. This results in some pretty disgusting bins, which you have to put laptops, water bottles, and handheld electronics in and then later touch to your fingers, face, or lips. 

That has always been gross to me. And I have always brought my own sanitation wipes to clean off these items after going through security. It would be nice if the airport staff just sanitized these bins to provide a little bit of cleanliness to what can already be an off-putting experience: flying.

Sadly, as airports get busier, I have already seen this sanitation disappear. During my flight from Seattle to Boise, it took me 50 minutes to get through a massive security checkpoint line. During my wait, I did not see a single wipedown of a security bin.